

This pic may be a bit unfair, because I don’t think Barry could rap a minute without losing consciousness. 

This artcle from this weeks Economist:

“Conscious rappers are often well-meaning. Dead Prez, a duo from Florida, sometimes toss apples into the audience to encourage healthy eating. But when it comes to more contentious political issues, hip-hop offers no plausible solutions; only impotent and sometimes self-destructive rage. In “Lost in tha System” by Da Lench Mob, for example, the vocalist says, of a judge: “He added on another year cos I dissed him. Now here I go gettin’ lost in the system.” The disrespect in question was a suggestion that the judge perform fellatio on him.

Fans love rappers partly because they strike such a confrontational pose. Dead Prez sometimes burn dollar bills to protest the evils of capitalism, and their lyrics accuse teachers of teaching “white man lies”. Mr McWhorter summarises the message of hip-hop as: “Things will keep sucking until there is a revolution where the white man finally understands and does a complete 180-degree turn.” This was true half a century ago in the segregated South. But today, it is nonsense. ”


Read complete article here.


The gaffes and exposure keep piling up for The Big O almost daily. He now reveals that his Christianity is the good old leftist Social Gospel of his progressive forefathers, hopefully with the eugenics jettisoned. Although he most certainly slept through or skipped Sunday School, I’m guessing he could light you up with Black Liberation theology and it’s Marxist tenets for the “true” Christian, the socially conscious, politically correct,  defender of the oppressed (that’s everyone except white males, in case you weren’t sure).

Here are 10 reasons Obamas wrong for the job of President, and this list includes only policy issues. God knows there are many, many more.

Oh yeah, your a racist.  Don’t bother denying it.

Because the surge in Iraq has been a serious success, and B.O. is dedicated to radical Marxist attitudes and actions toward U.S. policies and particularly, the U.S. military, he’s got a problem.

How can he possibly keep his promise to remove all combat troops within his first year as president? He might dream of doing so, humiliating the nation and our military, but still…

Just exactly why would a leftist want to see the west lose a war against radical Islamists who would most certainly turn to our shores for more terror acts and probably demoralize the U.S. military, wounding our best hope for protection?

Ideologically, it’s a required attitude from committed Marxist-Leninist comrades-in-arms: American Thinker

Squandering every opportunity and advantage to attain the highest political office on earth, from massive funds to fawning media to public school trained socialist groupies by the millions, B.O. has probably turned the corner of exposure with one more cheap, fraudulent, low road tactic…race baiting.

I wonder just what our friends at the DNC are thinking when this marionette of a candidate blurbs his latest gaffe, all the while assuming the idiocy of the average U.S. voter. Obama’s a professional elected official, knowing no lie or crime he is unwilling to commit in order to attain power. Bill Clinton with a tan isn’t unreasonable. Can you say Machiavelli?

 National Review


At some point in the lives of ordinary Americans, some earlier than others, the realization that your nations interests are being looked after by people elected every once in a while to this office or that becomes reality. You know this because you hear about these elections on the news, now that you’ve decided to watch, or from a friend or relative, or maybe you asked someone about their “I voted” sticker on their shirt. You then make a conscious choice to look into this matter, maybe even listen to the various ideas candidates have, pick a side, then actually vote. Voting isn’t a requirement, and some people never do, but you learn that power decides for you, so grab some for yourself, by putting your person in there to fight for you. At least, that’s the way it’s supposed to work.

Among many aggravations which arise when people decide to invest themselves in this process, a good example is having heard most assuredly that “this election is the most important in the history of the country”, and then having your candidate lose that election, angst beyond measure is certainly generated. Watching the other sides candidate cheerily espousing the exact opposite of what you have decided is true and good, with a cheering crowd attending the affair, can be annoying at best. Then there’s the odd case when your elected officials position on an issue precisely matches yours, bills are passed, law is made, bureaucracy lumbers into action, but a small group of unelected officials halt or misdirect the whole matter. (See The Courts)

Becoming involved in the political arena is always a great idea. Staying informed, discussing ideas, helping others understand issues and candidates will always be a civic duty of the committed citizen and warrants commendation and praise. They say discussing politics with friends and family is, or ought to be, forbidden in normal life. Those who preach this are out to hide something or cowards.

Also, helping the less experienced around you to parse candidates positions with civility and grace will always be helpful, though I stink at it…my blood pressure goes up exponentially when I hear what I’ve determined to be less than truthful ideas or just plain bad policy being extolled by candidates. I change the channel when those with whom I disagree are at a rally, finding it easier to restrain my contempt when the format is an interview without the herd catterwalling in the background. Even then, I sometimes yell at the TV, mostly to make a point to my wife, whose a genteel and civil woman and a person who seeks to avoid conflict. For the most part, I indulge her taste for the sake of peace, but I confess that it’s a struggle.

Crudely stated, the deal in America is that you get to shoot your mouth off, no matter how ludicrous, and then I get my turn as well, and then we call that exercise tolerance, hopefully arriving at an understanding. I’m not so sure anymore. We have a second generation intolerant policy, one of many stealthily slipped into place, where word monitoring thought police decide what you can and cannot say. This leads, of course, to lots of lying and unresolved issues.

So, what’s my point?

This is the time of year when millions of people wake from their hibernation and begin to notice something different going on, many for the first time in their lives. They hear lots of packaged, nuanced ideas in speeches that sound just peachy and noble, compassionate and nice. What they don’t hear are in-depth explanations of these ideas, whether they’ve been tried before, or how badly they may have failed. They don’t hear who originated the ideas and policies, nor does the coded language used to present them have a legend. In short, this is the time of year when April Fool’s lasts all the way up to November 4th.

Please be encouraged to help our fellow Americans learn to tolerate differences of opinion, to challenge ideas they disagree with, to express freely their own ideas, to vote for candidates that represent what’s best for America, not just themselves, and, if possible, learn to enjoy the whole frustrating, exasperating experience.

I can only roughly misquote this, but basically, “Politics is the way we manage our hate for one another.” Strong perhaps, but truish.

One difference between America and a great deal of the rest of the world; we peacefully transfer power to our political enemies. No tanks, no rioting in the streets, no murder of the opposition…it’s what makes us great. The claim is we’re more divided than ever. Maybe, but we have a way to cooperate and co-exist that will hopefully be around indefinitely.

Just today, elitist, radical, Marxist influenced, racial bigot B. H. Obama expressed the absolute, urgent need to redistribute the wealth in America, creating a more “fair” condition and giving hope to it’s citizens by changing the degree to which we reach out and help those in need. Now, there are no limits…equal economic circumstances will soon be mandated by government (see Socialism). Taxing the evil rich people with their fat cat corporations will soon finance a wave of fairness and equality across the land.

My guess is more Americans think this is a great idea than find it scary and disturbing. Why? Mostly because the government monopoly school system has reared tens of millions of good little socialists who look to government for everything and who think that’s just fine. Also, with morally bankrupt young people and older warmed over commies seeking the end of capitalism, the stage is set for the destruction of the greatest nation in the history of the world…rotted from the inside out.

Both parties have failed the nation…deep debt and political cowardice have allowed the pendulum to swing toward change for it’s own sake, fostering radical idiotic notions that punish earners and accomplishment. Do you have more than you really need? Whether you do or not, plan on having a much, much larger share of your income being confiscated by your friend, the government.

Ronald Reagan said if someone knocks at your door and says they’re from the government and here to help, RUN. Apparently, this lesson has been forgotten. Mommy government is here to stay, and so is keeping much less of your own money.

But, look at it this way. Your fellow Americans will enjoy a higher standard of living and take pleasure in all the “free” government handouts. What? Aren’t you a patriot?


I know, I know. The title to this post is a real shocker. I hope you were sitting down.

Frankly, the effort’s of Congress to dictate foreign policy and war strategy is nothing new in the history of armed conflict and American politics, and virtually all presidents in time of war have had to deal with congressional interference.

The deja vu with this Congress and it’s effort to micro manage defeat using similar Vietnam era style tactics is most disheartening. 3,000,000 Vietnamese were massacred or died in re-education camps because of the American cut and run forced on our troops by the Democratic Congress of the time.

Abandoning Iraq and letting the bloodbath begin isn’t an option for America, a nation rich in law and practice regarding the value of human life. Unless, of course, your a liberal Democrat, with millions of aborted babies under your belt, a burning desire to make suicide as acceptable as getting a drivers license and even putting the deformed out of their misery because of “quality of life” issues. With that record, what’s a few more bodies?

Only the Socialist Left in America wants to cut and run from Iraq, consequences be damned. Why? Because anything even perceived as an American defeat, is a source of glee and pleasure. Anything that damages the reputation, dimishes the influence or injures cohesion or security of the American nation is what these people are all about.

Imagining the lie about “supporting the troops, but against the war” is believable is another example of self delusion and shows an arrogance about the aptitude of their fellow countrymen. No culture, society or nation on earth honors cowards, or those who break their promises. Fighting the enemies of this country at home is every bit as important as fighting those abroad.

Never give up.

Excerpts from The Politico article:

“In 1973, Congress sought to deal with its de facto exclusion by passing, over President Richard Nixon’s veto, a War Powers Resolution. It required the White House to cease hostilities within 60 to 90 days unless Congress authorizes military force or extends the time. Every president since Nixon has viewed the key provisions of the resolution as unconstitutional.”

“During the Korean War, there was hot talk on Capitol Hill of impeaching President Harry Truman for having sacked Gen. Douglas MacArthur for insubordination.”

“As the war went on, it often solicited testimony from both high-ranking and junior officers. It leaked secret testimony to newspapers to sway public opinion. And it repeatedly pressed President Abraham Lincoln, sometimes successfully, to dismiss generals not to its liking.

Shortly before taking on the committee’s chairmanship, Wade wrote a friend that Lincoln’s views on slavery “could only come of one born of poor white trash and educated in a slave state.”

“On numerous occasions, they browbeat the president to remove a general or endorse a piece of legislation they thought was important. They were angered when Lincoln did not give in. They complained about the president’s humor and his penchant for handling conflict by telling anecdotes.”

The Politico is new, but right on top of the facts for now. Read the rest here.

Think about this for a minute.

Who would want any harm to come to cute, loveable, wild animals? Whose heart strings wouldn’t be touched by possible suffering of God’s creatures, who exist at the mercy of evil man and his destructive engines of industry and his polluting, consumerist lifestyle? How could any person turn a deaf ear to protecting defenseless creatures, especially when sinful human excesses are causing global trauma in the worlds animal communities? Be ashamed Human. Be very ashamed.

Oh, and here’s a way to purge your sinful transgressions, return to guilt free activity and maintaining life as you want it, assuming you can afford to. You, too, can continue to live exactly as you had before. All you have to do is send cash to the appropriate sin-elimination center of your choice, and they will plant trees or build a big windmill for you and your loved ones. Eco-sin problem removed, life goes on.

Well, not exactly. But then, religious charlatans go back eons. The difference now is, where guilt and shame are necessary human emotions to cause a search for relief and purpose in life, eco-guilt is a sham, set up to extort cash and power from other humans.

People are, after all, spiritual beings. Longing for a connection with something bigger and grander than everyday human life is universal. Filling this inner need, this unfilled void that plagues us all, is a vulnerability waiting to be exploited, sometimes by the most bizarre, and even destructive.

Enter the Church of Anthropogenic Climate Change and Guilt Relief Sales Center.

“Moreover, there has been a conscious awareness that religious fervor would be needed to energize the environmental movement. As Joseph Brean points out in his recent National Post review of Dr. Orrell’s book:

“Forty years ago, shortly after Rachel Carson launched modern environmentalism… a Princeton history professor named Lynn White wrote a seminal essay called the Historical Roots of our Ecological Crises: ‘By destroying pagan animism, Christianity made it possible to exploit nature in a mood of indifference to the feelings of natural objects. Since the roots of our trouble are so largely religious, the remedy must also be essentially religious, whether we call it that or not.’ It was a prescient claim. In a 2003 speech… Michael Crichton… closed the circle, calling modern environmentalism ‘the religion of choice for urban atheists… a perfect 21st century re-mapping of traditional JudeoChristian beliefs and myths.”

Now, there is nothing wrong, and a lot right, with the human instinct to try to understand man within a larger transcendental context. The arrogant and monstrously dilated individual human ego is the direct cause of much of mankind’s suffering throughout our benighted existence.

And while I have my own religious thoughts, I will not disdain any man’s search for the transcendent. But a religion should be understood by both its adherents and others for what it is — a religion. The trouble with global-warming believers is that probably most of them delude themselves into thinking they are practicing science — not religion.

And yet, the signs of religiousness are readily to be seen. Al Gore and his Hollywood coterie have almost comically manifested one aspect of their new religion in the last few weeks — the sense of sin and the search for remission of such sin.”

Please read complete article here.

Gore uses religion to attract global warming converts
Global warming: bogus religion of our age

Thanks Civisordinarius


Socialist/pacifist house liberal Democrats, quaintly labeled progressives, are fired up and ready to mutiny against Speaker Pelosi. Ending the war in Iraq trumps anything else on earth. Any measure will do, cutting off funding for the troops, ending the war procedurally, whatever. Get out NOW! And, don’t let the door hit you in the ….

A great WSJ article gives the ugly, hateful details.

Here’s what the Democrats had to say about WMD. (video) Thanks Pat Dollard

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