The version above may be what they have in mind, but, maybe not.

I’m not certain how this happened, but the LA Times, not your average conservative cheerleader, published an opinion piece encouraging the addition of Bible study to public school curriculum.

Frankly, I’m stunned. Most public school personnel would call the ACLU and the police if a Bible was discovered on school grounds. Nevertheless, uniform curriculum would be strictly adhered to and the goal would be to raise seriously shameful illiteracy regarding scripture.

Why anyone at the LA Times would think that was a good idea is beyond me.

Excerpts from the article:

“In a religious literacy quiz I have administered to undergraduates for the last two years, students tell me that Moses was blinded on the road to Damascus and that Paul led the Israelites on their exodus out of Egypt. Surveys that are more scientific have found that only one out of three U.S. citizens is able to name the four Gospels, and one out of 10 think that Joan of Arc was Noah’s wife. No wonder pollster George Gallup has concluded that the United States is “a nation of biblical illiterates.”

“One solution to this civic problem is to teach Bible classes in public schools. By Bible classes I do not mean classes in which teachers tell students that Jesus loves them or that the Bible is the inerrant word of God, but academic courses that study the Bible’s characters and stories as well as the afterlife of the Bible in literature and history. Last week, the Georgia Board of Education gave preliminary approval to two elective Bible courses designed to teach religion rather than preach religion. As long as teachers stick to the curriculum, this is a big step in the right direction.”

Read complete article here.